发布日期:2011-07-19  来源:中国法学网  作者:佚名







Co-Reach International Conference on Comparative Regulatory Enforcement (and Food Safety)

Each presentation shall not exceed 20 minutes, and each comment or question shall not exceed 5 minutes.

8.30-9.00 签到 arrival

9.00-9.50 开幕式及主旨演讲 Opening Session and Keynote Speech

主持人:周汉华教授; Moderator: Professor Zhou Hanhua

1. 刘兆彬司长,《创新执法方法 提高执法效能》
Director Liu Zhao Bin, Innovating Enforcement Method, and Improving Enforcement Effectiveness.

2. 徐景和司长,《食品安全治理创新》
Director Xu Jinhe, Innovation of Food Safety Governance.

10:05-11:45 第一单元 观念变革; Session A Concept and Ideology

Moderator: Professor Benjamin van Rooij, 主持人 Rooij Benjamin教授,

1. Professor Bridget Hutter, Regulatory Enforcement: Conceptualization and Practice in the UK

2. 宋华琳教授,《中国食品安全监管治理的改革》
Prof. Song Hualing, The Reform of Food Safety Regulation Governance in China

3. 汤洪源博士,《中国的合作式与威慑式执法》
Dr. Tang Hongyuan, Cooperation and deterrence-based enforcement in China

4. 胡汝为博士, 《中国食品安全的法律规制》
Dr. Hu Ru-wei, Legal Regulation of Food Safety in China

自由讨论 Discussion

13:45-15:25 第二单元 执法协作; Session B Coordinating regulatory enforcement

Moderator, Prof. Bridget Hutter,主持人,Hutter 教授

1. Dr. Ron Visser, Coordination and it's relation to professionalization in the Netherlands,

2. Dr Tola Amodu, Central Co-ordination of Local Authority Law Enforcement - the Case of Food Safety

3. 杨寅教授,《从法律角度实现中国食品安全的良好治理》
Prof. Yang Yin, Towards Good Governance in Food Safety in China: from a Legal Perspective

自由讨论 Discussion

15:40-17:20 第三单元 执法创新;Session C Innovations in the field of regulatory enforcement

主持人,李洪雷教授;Moderator, Prof. Li Honglei

1. Dr. Ulrike Hotopp, Performance Measurement and Analysis, Innovation in regulatory enforcement: Examples from the UK

2. Drs. Judy van der Graaf, Regulatory Enforcement in Practice: Strategies and Styles of the Dutch Food Safety Authority

3. 李洁所长,《上海世博会食品安全保障及后效应评估》
Director Li Jie, Food Safety Safeguards of Shanghai Expo and Evaluation of its Following Effect

4. 胡颖廉博士,《什么决定食品监管执法?--对省级政府的实证研究》
Hu Yinglian, What Determines Food Regulation Enforcement in China-Empirical Study of Provincial Government?

自由讨论 Discussion

17:20-17:30 闭幕式及总结发言 ;Closing Session and Concluding Remark

主持人,周汉华教授 Moderator, Prof. Zhou Hanhua

发言人,Rooij教授,Professor Benjamin van Rooij
