发布日期:2012-07-01  来源:人大法学院  作者:佚名



本次论坛恰逢中美法学教育界第一个正式交流项目CLEEC(中美法学教育交流委员会,Committee for Legal Education Exchange with China)创立实施三十周年。该项目先后资助了两百余位中国法学界和法学教育界的学者赴美交流和深造。本次研讨会也邀请了中美两国参与过两国交流项目的著名法学家和法学教育家与会,全面、系统地总结两国法学教育交流合作的丰硕成果和成功经验。

在6月23日上午的开幕式上,吉林省高级人民法院院长、教育部高校法学学科教学指导委员会主任委员、中国法学教育研究会会长张文显教授,中国人民大学党委副书记兼副校长王利明教授,香港城市大学法学院院长王贵国教授,美方嘉宾代表杜克大学法学院院长David F. Levi教授和中国人民大学法学院院长韩大元教授先后致辞。几位致辞嘉宾认为,在中美法学教育交流计划启动三十周年之际,中美两国法学院院长共聚一堂,具有非常重大的意义。本次论坛将是我们回顾和分享中国改革开放之初两国法学教育的交流与合作的平台,并将进一步深入地推进中美两国法学教育的交流、法治建设的交流和其他方面的交流与合作,将进一步推进中国法学教育、中国法律人才培养的国际化。







在6月24日上午的闭幕式上,美国法学院协会会长、印第安纳大学(伯明顿分校)常务副校长Lauren Kay Robel教授,吉林省高级人民法院院长、教育部高校法学学科教学指导委员会主任委员、中国法学教育研究会会长张文显教授和中国人民大学法学院的朱景文教授对本次论坛发表总结性发言。Lauren Kay Robel教授总结了本次论坛的情况,并就中美双方可以展开合作的机制与方式发表观点。张文显教授指出,法学教育首先是一种公民教育,无论法律人从事的是哪个领域的法律工作,都是一种公共服务,如果没有公民的立场,公共服务的质量就会受到扭曲。最后,主持人王振民教授就新时期法科学生培养理念等问题进行了总结发言。


Program for "2012 Sino-US Law School Deans’ Forum:
Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of CLEEC"

2012年6月23日,星期六/ June 23, 2012, Saturday

International Conference Hall, 1st Floor of Xiuyuan Building, International College (Suzhou Research Institute), Renmin University of China

开幕式 09:30-10:00
Opening Ceremony 09:30-10:00

主持人:王 轶,中国人民大学法学院副院长、教授
Moderator: Professor WANG Yi, Vice Dean, Renmin University of China Law School

致辞/ Address: (每位发言人5分钟/ 5 minutes for each speaker)
Prof. ZHANG Wenxian, President of Higher People’s Court of Jilin Province, President of Instruction Committee for the Law Science Teaching of National Higher Education Institute of the Ministry of Education, President of China Legal Education Association

Professor WANG Liming, Vice President, Renmin University of China

Professor WANG Guiguo, Dean of School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

David F. Levi, 杜克大学法学院院长、教授
Professor David F. Levi, Dean of Law School, Duke University

Professor HAN Dayuan, Dean of Renmin University of China Law School

合影及茶歇/Group Photo & Coffee Break 10:00-10:45

第一单元 回顾与共享(一):中美法学教育10:45-12:15
Panel 1 Retrospection and Sharing (1): Sino-US Legal Education 10:45-12:15
主持人 / Moderator:
Professor XUE Gangling, Dean of School of Law, China University of Political Science and Law

Joan S. Howland,明尼苏达大学法学院副院长、教授
Professor Joan S. Howland, Associate Dean of Law School, University of Minnesota

演讲人 / Speakers: (每位发言人15分钟/15 minutes for each speaker)
1、Susan Roosevelt Weld,乔治城大学法学院教授
Professor Susan Roosevelt Weld, Georgetown University Law Center
Topic: Chinese Characteristics: The Role of History in Legal Education

Professor XIAO Yongping, Dean of School of Law, Wuhan University
Topic: Historical Experience of Sino-US Legal Education Exchange in the Past 30 Years and the Prospect

3、Vincent R. Johnson,圣玛丽大学法学院中国法商研究所所长、教授
Professor Vincent R. Johnson, Director, Institute on Chinese Law & Business, St. Mary's University School of Law
Topic: How the Fulbright Scholar Program has Catalyzed U.S.-China Legal Cooperation

4、Carl Minzner,福特汉姆大学法学院教授
Professor Carl Minzner, Fordham University School of Law
Topic: Current Challenges Facing US and Chinese Legal Education

自由研讨/ Discussion

午餐 12:15-13:30 (敬斋宾馆餐厅,自助餐)
Lunch 12:15-13:30 (Buffet at the Restaurant in Jingzhai Hotel)

第二单元 回顾与共享(二):CLEEC与中美法学教育交流14:00-15:30
Panel 2 Retrospection and Sharing (2): CLEEC and Sino-US Legal Education Exchange 14:00-15:30

主持人 / Moderator: 
Professor WANG Xixin, Vice Dean of Peking University Law School
Professor SHEN Yuanyuan, Professor of Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University, Associate in Research of The John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Adjunct Faculty of Boston College Law School

演讲人 / Speakers: (每位发言人15分钟/15 minutes for each speaker)
1、R. Randle Edwards, 哥伦比亚大学法学院盖尔霍恩名誉教授、中国人民大学法学院名誉教授
Professor R. Randle Edwards, Walter Gellhorn Professor Emeritus of Law, Law School, Columbia University; Honorary Professor of Law, Renmin University of China Law School

2、徐 炳,中国社会科学院法学所研究员、《环球法律评论》主编
Professor XU Bing, Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Science; Editor-in-Chief of Global Law Review
Topic: Fruitful Program, Paradigm for Sino-Foreign Legal Exchange

Professor James V. Feinerman, Georgetown University Law Center
Topic: CLEEC's Contribution to the Development and Understanding of China's Legal Modernization

Professor ZHAO Xiuwen, Renmin University of China Law School
Topic: CLEEC——Impressions and Experience

5、Mark Sidel,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校法学院教授
Professor Mark Sidel, Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School
Topic: The Ford Foundation and CLEEC: The Development of Ford Law Programming in China and Implications for Current Donor Programming in Law and Rights

自由研讨/ Discussion
茶歇/Coffee Break 15:30-16:00

第三单元 全球化与中美法学教育交流 16:00-17:30
Panel 3 Globalization and Sino-US Legal Education Exchange 16:00-17:30
主持人 / Moderator:
李 力,南京师范大学法学院院长、教授
Professor LI Li, Dean of Law School, Nanjing Normal University

Robert B. Ahdieh,埃默里大学法学院副院长、教授
Professor Robert B. Ahdieh, Vice Dean, School of Law, Emory University

演讲人 / Speakers: (每位发言人15分钟/15 minutes for each speaker)
Professor WANG Guiguo, Dean of School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
Topic: Legal Education Against the Background of Globalization

2、JoAnne A. Epps, 天普大学比利斯法学院院长、教授
Professor JoAnne A. Epps, Dean of Beasley School of Law, Temple University
Topic: Sino-US Legal Education: Maximizing Shared Learning

3、竹中俊子, 华盛顿大学法学院教授、知识产权法中心主任
Professor Toshiko Takenaka, Director of Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP), School of Law, University of Washington
Topic: Bilateral to Multinational Legal Education Exchange: UW Law School’s Experiences from Working with Asian and European Partners

4、林 维,中国青年政治学院法律系主任、教授
Professor LIN Wei, Dean, Department of Law, China Youth University for
Political Sciences
Topic: Integrating with the US, Integrating with the Globe or Integrating with China

Assistant Professor Alonzo Emery, Renmin University of China Law School
Topic: The Future of US-China Legal Education Exchange: Opportunities for Students and Faculty

自由研讨/ Discussion

接待晚宴/ Reception Dinner 18:00-19:30

2012年6月24日,星期日/ June 24, 2012, Sunday

International Conference Hall, 1st Floor of Xiuyuan Building, International College (Suzhou Research Institute), Renmin University of China

第四单元 学生参与中美法学教育交流08:30-10:00
Panel 4 Students' Participation in Sino-US Legal Education Exchange 08:30-10:00

主持人 / Moderator:
Professor LI Qingwei, Executive Dean of Law School, Shanghai University

Jacques deLisle,宾西法尼亚大学法学院教授、东亚研究中心主任、当代中国研究中心副主任
Professor Jacques deLisle, Law School of University of Pennsylvania, Director of Center for East Asian Studies, Associate Director of Center for the Study of Contemporary China

演讲人 / Speakers: (每位发言人15分钟/15 minutes for each speaker)
1、Gary R. Roberts,印第安纳大学麦肯尼法学院院长、教授
Professor Gary R. Roberts, Dean of Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Indiana University
Topic: History and Importance of Indiana University at Indianapolis-Renda Summer Program

Professor JI Xiangde, Assistant Director, Executive Vice Director in the Law Department at the Law Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Science
Topic: Clinic Education and the Cultivation of Distinguished Talents

Professor CAI Lidong, Vice Dean of Law School, Jilin University
Topic: Course Exchange between Chinese and US Law Schools
Professor CHENG Yanlei, Dean of Law School, Anhui University
Topic: Development Environment of Law School in Regional University

自由研讨/ Discussion

茶歇/Coffee Break 10:00-10:30

第五单元 “国际卓越人才培养计划”与中美法学教育交流 10:30-12:00
Panel 5 “Distinguished Legal Talents Cultivating Project”and Sino-US Legal Education Exchange 10:30-12:00

主持人 / Moderator:
Professor HU Yuhong, Dean of Kenneth Wang School of Law, Soochow University

Vincent R. Johnson,圣玛丽大学法学院中国法商研究所所长、教授
Professor Vincent R. Johnson, Director, Institute on Chinese Law & Business, St. Mary's University School of Law

演讲人 / Speakers: (每位发言人15分钟/15 minutes for each speaker)
1、Rachel F. Moran, 加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院院长、教授
Professor Rachel F. Moran, Dean of Law School, University of California (Los Angeles)
题目:Clark Kerr与我——美国公立法学院的未来
  Topic: Clark Kerr & Me: The Future of the Public Law School in the United States

2、万 猛,北京外国语大学法学院院长、教授
Professor WAN Meng, Dean, Beijing Foreign Studies University Law School
Topic: New Ways of Cooperation For US-China Legal Education

3、Robert B. Ahdieh,埃默里大学法学院副院长、教授
Professor Robert B. Ahdieh, Vice Dean, School of Law, Emory University
Topic: The Rise and Role of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies

Professor LI Weifang, Vice Dean of International Law Faculty of the East China University of Politics and Law
Topic: Establishment of Distinguished Talent Training
自由研讨/ Discussion

闭幕式/ Closing Ceremony 12:00-12:30

主持人 / Moderator: 
Professor WANG Zhenmin, Dean of Tsinghua University Law School

林 峰,香港城市大学中国法与比较法研究中心主任、法学院副教授
Associate Professor LIN Feng, Director of Center for Chinese and Comparative Law, City University of Hong Kong School of Law

演讲人 / Speakers: (每位发言人15分钟/15 minutes for each speaker)
1、Lauren Kay Robel,印第安纳大学(伯明顿分校)常务副校长、美国法学院协会会长、印第安纳大学(伯明顿分校)毛雷尔法学院教授
Professor Lauren Kay Robel, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President of Indiana University (Bloomington), President of The Association Of American Law Schools
Topic: Globalization and the Regulation of Lawyers

Professor ZHU Jingwen, Renmin University of China Law School
Topic: The Study of Chinese Law in a Perspective of Comparative Law

(编辑 高洁 柏林)
