发布日期:2012-10-29  来源:北大法学院  作者:佚名

第六届北大、东大、首尔大学法学院会议(The 6th BESETO Conference 2012)

        The 6th BESETO Conference 2012

Economic Regulation and the Rule of Law
地点:北京大学法学院 凯原楼 一层报告厅
   The Hall of KoGuan Building, PKU Law School
Nov.4th 2012 (Sunday)

9:00-9:30 开幕式 / Opening Remarks

主持人:北大法学院副院长 王锡锌教授 / Moderator: Prof. Vice Dean Wang Xixin

北京大学法学院院长 张守文致辞 / Opening Remarks by Prof. Dean Zhang Shouwen
首尔大学法学院院长 Sang Jo Jong 致辞 / Opening Remarks by Prof. Dean Sang Jo Jong
东京大学法学院院长 Atsushi YAMAGUCHI 致辞/ Opening Remarks by Prof. Dean. Atsushi YAMAGUCHI(山口厚)

9:15-9:30 合影 / Photo Taking

9:30-11:00    第一场 (Session One)  
主持人:陈若英 教授 / Moderator: Prof.Chen Ruoying

Prof. Joon Park( School of Law, SNU)
New Legislation to Develop Investment Banks in Korea-Proposed Amendments to the Capital Markets Act in Korea

Prof. Wang Shizhou(王世洲)(School of Law, PKU)
Criminal Law as the Back-up of the Economic Regulations in China

Prof. Tadashi SHIRAISHI(白石忠志)(School of Law, U-Tokyo)
Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position

10:30-10:45 茶歇 / Coffee Break

Prof. Guoli (郭雳)(School of Law, PKU)
New Developments and Challenges of China’s Financial Market and Regulation

Prof. Kyung-Hoon Chun ( School of Law, SNU)
Corporate Opportunity Doctrine in Statute – A New Experiment in Korea

11:25-12:00 讨论 / Discussion

14:00-18:00   第二场 (Session Two)
主持人:沈岿 教授 / Moderator: Prof. Shenkui

Prof. Lou Jianbo(楼建波)(School of Law, PKU)
Freedom of Contract under Heavy Regulation as Reflected in Real Estate Transactions in Mainland China - Judicial Relaxation of Real Estate Transaction Regulation

Prof. Tomotaka FUJITA(藤田友敬)(School of Law, U-Tokyo)
Rule of Law in Financial and Securities Regulations

Prof. Chen Ruoying(陈若英)(School of Law, PKU)
Realizing Rule of Law Through Cross-Border Securities Listing: Meeting the Information Challenge

15:00-15:15  茶歇 / Coffee Break

Prof. Seong wook Heo( School of Law, SNU)
Economic Regulation and Law—Several thinkings on Regulation Of SSM in Korea
Prof. Tang Yingmao(唐应茂)(School of Law, PKU)
International Securities Regulation Competition: Recent Experience from China

Prof. Liu Yinliang(School of Law, PKU)
Investigation of the Profit Pumping Effect of the International Intellectual Property Regime

16:15-17:00  讨论 / Open Discussion
17:00-17:30  闭幕式 / Closing Remarks by Professors from BeSeTo
Closing Remark by Prof. Guoli       (School of Law, PKU)
Closing Remark by Prof. Hong Sik Cho    (School of Law, SNU)
Closing Remark by Prof.. Atsushi YAMAGUTI  (School of Law, U-Tokyo)
