《法学》英文刊(Law Science)征稿启事
发布日期:2024-06-12  来源:华政法学公众号



为贯彻习近平总书记关于加强和改进国际传播工作精神,着力提高国际传播影响力、中华文化感召力的号召,《法学》编辑部于2022年推出了《法学》英文版(Law Science)。办刊理念为“在国际层面传播中国法学声音,扩大我国法学研究成果的国际影响力,加强中国参与国际法治建设的话语权。”




The Law Science’s Global Paper



The Chinese version of Law Science is an independent peer-reviewed monthly legal journal sponsored by East China University of Political Science and Law. It was founded in 1956 and currently holds the top position in terms of circulation among Chinese legal theoretical publications. Additionally, it is one of the few Chinese legal journals that are collected by overseas libraries in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. In order to further increase the academic exchange among Chinese and international legal scholars and practitioners, an English version was officially published in 2021 in collaboration with Wells and W.S.Hein companies. The English version has been indexed in the core periodical database (Law Journal Library) and the "China Law and Society Library" of HeinOnline, a renowned legal periodical database in the United States.

《法学》期刊(中文版)是由华东政法大学主办的一本中文法律理论类月刊,它创刊于1956年。时下《法学》发行量位居中国法学类理论刊物之首,它还是美国、英国等国会图书馆收藏的为数不多的中国法学刊物之一。为进一步提升《法学》期刊的全球影响力和传播力,在Wells公司和美国W.S.Hein公司的合作下,《法学》期刊英文版LAW SCIENCE在2021年正式出版,并同步收录进入了美国著名的法学期刊数据库HeinOnline数据库的核心期刊文库(Law Journal Library)和“法治中国”主题文库(China Law and Society Library).


HeinOnline Database (www.heinonline.org) homepage


HeinOnline Law Journal Library and LAW SCIENCE Journal



English Version of LAW SCIENCE

HeinOnline法学期刊库及LAW SCIENCE期刊

To strengthen the discussions and reflections on cuttingedge legal issues and promote the publication of high-quality papers, the Editorial Board of Law Science and Wells Company are pleased to jointly announce the Law Science’s Global Paper Competition. The key details are as follows:

为加快《法学》期刊英文版LAW SCIENCE的海外出版和传播,更多出版和发表具有国际视野的优秀文章,现《法学》期刊编辑部和Wells公司计划举行全球优秀论文征稿活动。具体办法如下:

I. Potential Focus Areas:

一、 征文主题范围:

1. Legal issues related to artificial intelligence.

2. Legal issues arising out of "post-pandemic" era.

3. Legal issues related to the digital economy.

4. Legal issues related to climate change and carbon emissions.

1. 人工智能相关的法律研究。

2. “后疫情”时代的法律问题研究。

3. 数字经济相关的法律研究。

4. 气候变化与碳排放相关的法律研究。

II. Eligibility:


The papers submitted by authors must be original English papers that have not been published in any language and comply with the Bluebook’s style.


III. Selection and Awards:


1. An Academic Selection Panel is responsible for the selection of the winning papers. Due process and fairness will be guaranteed.


2.First Prize (1 winner): The first prize-winning paper will be fully published in the English version of Law Scienceand collected into the HeinOnline Law Journal Database. Cash Prize: 10,000 RMB.

2.一等奖1名:一等奖论文将全文发表于《法学》期刊英文版LAW SCIENCE,并收录进HeinOnline法学数据库中。奖金:10000元。

3. Second Prize (3-5 winners): The second prize-winning papers will be selectively published in the English version of Law Science.

3.二等奖3-5名:二等奖论文将择优发表于《法学》期刊英文版LAW SCIENCE。

4. The first and second prize-winning papers will be compiled and published in the United States by Wells Company and simultaneously collected into the HeinOnline database "China Law and Society Library" for global dissemination and promotion.

4. 一等奖和二等奖论文将由Wells公司出资集结成册,在美国出版,并同时收录进HeinOnline数据库“中国法律与社会文库”,向全球传播推广。

IV. Timeline:


1. Closure of paper submissions: December 31st, 2024.

2. Winner notification: May 2025.

3. Publication of selected papers: Before December 31st, 2025.

1. 征文收稿时间:即日起至2024年12月31日。

2. 结果公示:2025年5月。

3. 优秀论文集出版:2025年12月31日前。



1.Editorial Board of English version of Law Science, East China University of Political Science and Law.

2.Wells Company - Best Global Partner of HeinOnline Database.



VI. Submissions:


Please submit all papers in Microsoft Word format to the following email or through the official website system: lawscience@ecupl.edu.cn. Official website submission address: https://faxuetougao.ecupl.edu.cn/English/ls/home.


When submitting, please indicate "Submission for the Law Science’s Global Paper Competition" in the email subject lines.

