发布日期:2024-08-20  来源:中国法律与历史国际学会公众号

会议简介 / Introduction



与此同时,本届双年会尤其欢迎围绕本次会议主题——“历史视野下的中华法律及其文化”(Chinese Law and Its Culture, Past and Present)的学术探索。无论是中国历史上的儒法国家还是当代社会主义法制体系,法律的表达和实践都与文化深入交融和互动。如何认识中国历史上的法律?中华法律体系是如何发展衍变的?这些议题一直是法律史研究的中心问题。因此,我们鼓励与会者深入讨论中华法律在各个时期的表达和实践,影响这些表达和实践的文化基础,以及相关的政治、经济、和社会变革。关于中华法律的定义是广泛的,它既包括了传统中国疆域内施行的法律和习俗,也包括边疆地区以及涉及海外华人社群的法律制度和实践。我们特别欢迎具有比较和跨国视角的研究,以及具有理论关怀的文章。

The International Society for Chinese Law and History (ISCLH), established in 2014, is the leading international hub for Chinese legal historians, boasting approximately 150 members worldwide. The society organizes workshops in North America and biennial conferences in Asia. To date, ISCLH has successfully organized three in-person biennial conferences, with co-sponsorship of Fudan University (Shanghai, 2015), China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing, 2017), and Taipei University (Taipei, 2019), respectively. Additionally, the society also hosted two virtual conferences in 2021 and 2023.

The Sixth Biennial Conference will be held in Beijing on July 22-23, 2025. As with previous conferences, we welcome submissions on any aspect of Chinese legal history from any period.

We especially encourage submissions that highlight this year's theme, “Chinese Law and Its Culture, Past and Present.” The entanglement between law and culture is central to both the Confucian-Legalist order of the imperial era and socialist legality of contemporary China. What constitutes the force of law in China and how the Chinese legal system developed throughout the time are at the center of scholarly inquiry. Therefore, we invite works that delve into the intricate relationship between Chinese legal systems, their cultural underpinnings, and the associated political, economic, and social changes. We interpret Chinese law and its culture broadly, encompassing legal systems and practices in traditional China proper, those of peripheral regions, and those pertaining to Chinese communities beyond national borders. Works that approach law comparatively or from a transnational perspective are especially welcome. So are works that invite theoretical and methodological discussion.

会议形式和文章提交要求 / Conference format and submission guidelines


This conference is held in person, with technological support being provided for organized panels if one or two members need to participate virtually. We encourage the submission of proposals for organized panels, with 3-4 papers in dialogue with each other under a general topic. You are also welcome to submit individual paper proposals, which, if selected, will be grouped together with other papers into panels. The proposal and the presentation can be in either English or Chinese. All panel and paper proposals should be submitted through the Qualtrics system, which will be open in September. A notice will be sent out when the submission system is activated.

重要日期 / Important Dates





Abstract submission deadline:

October 15, 2024

Notification of Acceptance:

November 30, 2024

注册、旅行、住宿、和资助 / Registration, Logistics, and Travel Grant



The conference registration fee will be waived for active ISCLH members. Accepted presenters must either demonstrate that they have active membership during the conference dates by May 1, 2025, or pay a one-time conference registration fee.

Participants are responsible for their own transportation and lodging. The co-organizer of the conference will help make reservations for 2 or 3 nights of hotel rooms for accepted participants at the participants’ cost. Meals during the conference period will be provided by the co-organizer. ISCLH will provide a limited number of travel grants, available for graduate students and early career scholars who are ISCLH members and are presenting at the conference, to offset part of the travel costs. Priorities will be given to those who travel internationally or a long distance to Beijing for the conference.

联系方式 / Contact

关于ISCLH 2025双年会如有任何问题,请致信邮箱

Please direct any inquiries about the ISCLH 2025 Biennial Conference to

